Because you are the CEO of your department



Traditional infrastructures rely on linking HTML to databases with large, cumbersome codebases that are difficult to maintain and costly to operate. These systems quickly become outdated, requiring ad-hoc patches to evolve.

In contrast, our backend leverages state-of-the-art infrastructure inspired by algorithmic trading, ensuring that enhancements are built-in and seamless.



Our interface can be via web or bot/agent. It is not rigid but fully customizable instead to meet the specific needs of each client. We offer as seed our own technology, the same system we use to run our Group. What you see in our demos is not the end-product, it is the beginning-product.

Thus, it reaches state-of-the-art protocols across industries focused on Extreme Efficiency. And, more interestingly, its buttons unlock business algorithmics.


Standard Features

At the core of our approach is a platform that simplifies and integrates tha vast range of technologies companies typically rely on.

Our clients begin with what we call a "seed" - a robust, all-encompassing version of the standard apps they need: sales, marketing, web management, HR, project management, inventory, distribution, and more.

These apps, while not 100% identical to the market's top products, deliver the "good enough" functionality for 98% of a company's needs. But this comes with a unique edge: our platform is designed with integration in mind, making every part work together seamlessly. That's the first thing our clients appreciate - the ability to unlock new interconnections between departments, something they've never experienced before. The second advantage? We don't disrupt their existing systems. Instead, we create a two-year plan that gradually modernizes their operations while reducing reliance on outdated tech.

Frontend Redesign

Website Revamp


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Database Optimization



Incurred hours


Incurred days





UI Testing

Social Media App


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Content Migration



Incurred hours


Incurred days





Server Setup

Cloud Infrastructure


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Data Backup

Disaster Recovery Plan


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Email Automation

Marketing Campaigns


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Performance Testing

Mobile App


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Bug Fixing



Incurred hours


Incurred days





Code Refactoring

Legacy System Update


Incurred hours


Incurred days





API Documentation

Mobile App


Incurred hours


Incurred days





Database Migration

Cloud Infrastructure


Incurred hours


Incurred days





API Security Updates



Incurred hours


Incurred days





THE D, E... Z

Deep Features

As the journey continues, our platform takes these apps from "good enough" to cutting-edge. We don't stop at 98%; we push the envelope to 140%, leveraging our deep expertise in algorithmic innovation. But the true depth lies in expanding beyond the typical scope of an ERP system.

Our all-in-one platform covers everything from intellectual property protection to advanced compliance, cybersecurity, and infrastructure management. We manage autonomous SLAs, provide real-time investment and treasury stock management, and even handle end-to-end eCommerce strategies, including pricing and inventory optimization.

This comprehensive coverage allows us to integrate advanced services, like defending stocks against speculative attacks on both markets and social media; and delivering real-time updates to CFOs and CTOs on expected revenues and transformation efforts.



What sets us apart is our commitment to giving the power back to the business experts. Our platform is designed so that the people who know their business best—the experts—remain in control, while AI serves as a powerful tool at their disposal. We pioneered the concept of Augmented Machines, ensuring human expertise remains a core part of the decision-making process. This approach ensures that the custom versions of our platform, tailored for each client, are not just high-tech but become genuine competitive advantages. Unlike the standard practice of using identical apps and consultants that lead to industry-wide convergence, our technology drives companies to evolve beyond their competitors—by design.


"We need to increase the UX of our current procurement legacy tech. Please create algorithmic layer on top accessible from your GUI"

Client IBEX · 21 Feb


"We need to automate the loading of our trucks taking into account route, quality of boxes, sensitivity of material... Please make it compatible with our legacy and evolve the rest of warehouse strategies upon it"

Client SME · 12 Jul


"The global regulation of our product is becoming utterly complex to manage and we need it to become an algorithm that provides a layer of compliance intelligence to our activity. Please find a solution that can grow towards more advanced strategies and expand along the rest of the departments"

Client Large Corp · 21 Mar

The Steady Path Towards Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Who trust us


Extreme Efficiency & Productivity

About us

Following accolades such as Best Trading Platform in Europe, Top Analytics Superstar in the UK, and Best Innovation in Simulation in the UK, our co-founders embarked on a journey to create a cutting-edge Fintech solution with unprecedented efficiency and productivity in trading. In order to manage the company holistically, they started to analyze all-in-one enterprise software. They were not convinced. So they decided to research on the best way to create it, algorithmic-native seeking legacy flexibility, and developed it themselves.

For more detailed information, refer to the public papers published by our Centre of Excellence on

Efficiency & Productivity.

Thus, as opposed to our largest competitors, our platform is rooted on scientific innovation instead of IT development. It is intended not to simply adapt to the latest industry standards but, whenever needed, to become state-of-the-art. Thus, the asset becomes the competitive advantage of our clients - from global listed companies to SMEs (as part of our ESG commitments).

Logo Investors

We are a bootstrapped scale-up - often referred to by journalists as "the European AI unicorn in which you cannot invest".

Logo Awards

Finalist Banking Tech Awards (2017, Winner): "Best Trading Platform". Sergio's UCL PhD Thesis deployed at BBVA. It's nextgen is the core of our Fractal's Trading.

Finalist CogX (2020, winner): "Best Innovation in Simulation". Core of our Virtual Reality Simulation.

Finalist Banking Tech Awards (2024): "Best Tech of the Future: AI and Data". Abstraction of our Fractal's trading up to an All-In-One Platform.

SciTheWorld Group

Reaching ASI is a major challenge that requires a well-thought, multiyear path. The agents up for the challenge ought to consider creating a Group with 4 deep layers:


Centre of Excellence (CoE): the core that defines the path towards ASI and provides the theory to achieve it. By following that path any tech legacy is aligned with the future - a major advantage.


B2B service provision company: it shall realistically prove the tools that are created along the path and test them within the industry. Thus, it can be bootstrapped -a best practice for at least a decade to avoid misguidance by investors' urgencies.


B2C parallel evolution of tools: letting human users thrive in a world of state-of-the-art machines is a must.


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment: optimising a Group like this is far more complex than looking at its P&L. It should consider its overall impact instead.


Our CoE proposes a path upon a brain’s distribution: a myriad of specialized areas that are not only interconnected but also intersected. We map those areas with Artificial Narrow Intelligences (ANIs) so that, mimicking a brain, an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) surges as the aggregation of ANIs. By selecting the best ANIs across AGIs, the ASI becomes a reality.

Our main paper - Data MAPs: on platform organizations (2022) - took 7 years and it’s laser-focused on that interconnection and intersection across ANIs - from within a company to across industries. Such a novel approach surpasses the burdens of the data-drive upon the depth of the algorithmic-drive.




Paper Description




his essay (a) overviews the literature of Algorithmization to provide the reader with a solid background to discuss Modern Cybersecurity; (b) introduces new high-priority risks to be considered by both business and cybersecurity teams; (c) roots the resourcing of cybersecurity on the hybridization between business, compliance and cybersecurity; (d) discovers novel capacities unlocked by an algorithmic-native platform to harmoniously orchestrate both business and cybersecurity; (e) seeds the future of the business and its continuity-at-risk on tactical technology; and (f) motivates a new breed of hands-on research in collaboration between companies and research centers upon platforms that follow the Three-Layer Company model.

cybersecurity, Algorithmization, CNE, CNA, hacking, transformation, Digitalization, tactical technology, standardization risk, market price hacking, AI, ANI, AGI, ASI



** Reached SSRN Top 10 List **

This essay (a) simplifies the understanding of Applied Science; (b) explains Neural Networks (NNs), Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI (GenAI) as a base for a sound discussion on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI); (c) rooted on the Algorithmization of companies, it proposes defining AGI as an interconnection and intersection of agents that are Artificial Narrow Intelligences (ANIs); (d) discusses the evolution from AGI to Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) within the Algorithmization framework; (e) discloses the structure behind the authors' public achievements (papers and awards) for the reader to understand our holistic approach to ASI; and (f) while avoiding discussions about sentient machines it motivates companies to seek their own ASIs towards dynamically competing via efficiency & productivity.

ASI, AGI, ANI, AI, Neural Networks, Algorithmization, Transformation, appied science, LLMs, GenAI



This paper introduces the Three-Layer Company approach. It is a lean way to understand the distribution of the technology across a project (people vs platform) for senior managers to be able to understand and challenge better their Algorithmization process. It brings to the surface the fact that, oftentimes, the more people there is in tech in a company the less tech there is in place - which, even though it makes sense, given the fact that technology brings massive efficiencies, it is the opposite to the KPIs that have become trendy during the last decade. Once that part is mastered, being able to interconnect departments within a company (unlocking of new business approaches), merge companies of a similar sector (private equity's M&A) or simply take a company to its NextGen level becomes a transparent, neat process

Federation, Transformation, Synergies, Efficiency, Growth, M&A, Tenders, Infrastructure, Algorithmics, Algorithmization, SMEs



This essay explains why it is so difficult for shareholders to find senior managers that seek to go through the process of algorithmization towards benefiting from Maximal Efficiency. It has happened in blue collar companies but not yet in white collar ones. The barrier-to-entry to create such type of technology is very large and, if they decided to create it on their own, there are no low-hanging-fruits along the way. As an equilibrium, then, it seems an area that needs to be fully covered by external, algorithmic-native ERP software. However, there is a Pareto Superior: if that software is federated (FedTech) the evolution is hybrid hence, ad-hoc - i.e. again a new use case where to apply Data MAPs

Transformation, Digitalization, Digitalwashing, Algorithmization, CEO, White Collar Factories



This essay gives rise to a major discussion: can top-end academics have a significant say on Applied Science? The answer is no unless they have relevant experience as well on the domain (at least, Microeconomics) in order to understand science as a tool, not a target. They also need to understand the software architecture, regulation and usability in order to be able to have a sound judgement. Last, they are used to create a solution upon a sole model. Real world solutions require the combination of experts' heuristics and a myriad of models

AI, Machine Learning, Applied Science, Augmented Machines, AI Ecosystems, Autonomous Machines, Avatars, Algorithms, Algorithmization, Federated Technology, Transformation, Digitalization



** Reached SSRN Top 10 List **

This essay argues why FinTech is rapidly converging into incumbents. Their technology is based on a database (data-driven) which is not enough to take the algorithmic step towards maximal efficiency. Further, the solution in this sector is fairly easy: the retail banking technology shall be started from algorithmic trading technology. If a company can hedge using different dynamics across depths of the order book and different baskets dependent on the context then, it can surely transfer money from A to B. In between, it can also advice for wealth management, manage portfolios, become an insurer (half of whom are asset managers) and democratise trading intelligence to retail as brokers. This is called vertical integration and, we believe, the only way to create a banking champion

Banking Platforms, Synergies, Vertical Integration, Collateral Signalling, Algorithms, Algorithmic Technology, Federated Technology



** Reached SSRN Top 10 List **

This essay discloses how to move portfolio management from aggregations to strategies. Your shares in Apple are not all the same - they are not really fungible from a risk perspective. Which shares belong to which strategies? How are those performing? What are the alternative names to consider instead of Apple? If at some point you have too much exposure to US and you want to reduce it, which shares of Apple shall you let go? Artificially moving your portfolio management from particular views on a number of strategies deployed to aggregated, cross-portfolio KPIs is, indeed, bold. And to avoid it, all dimensions of an strategy shall be considered - Dimension-Driven Portfolios (DDP)

Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Asset Management, Algorithmics, Platforms, Innovation



** Reached SSRN Top 10 List **

This essay proposes a new way to manage portfolios so that the investors can neatly understand their basket based on a reference (beta); an enhanced version of such reference (alpha 1 - statistical arbitrage ecosystem) and advanced set of free strategies (up to algorithmic market making). This allows asset management companies to have a better control of the overall risk taking as well as to better define performance attribution and to better attract and retain talent (keener on algorithmics than traditional finance)

Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Asset Management, Algorithmics, Algorithmization, Digitalization, Platforms, Innovation



This essay explains how to leverage the expertise of portfolio managers while releasing them from operational tasks so that they can concentrate more on research. It is part of the Augmented Machines approach we coined in 2012, advocate for ever since and nurture everyday. Our community is based on this sole idea

Portfolio Management, Risk Management, Asset Management, Algorithmics, Platforms, Innovation



** reached SSRN Top 10 List ** (Didn't see this coming!)

This paper was written for NATO and demanded by the Spanish army. It covers how to take over a country without needing to set out a war but by hacking into the board through the equity markets. Once in the board of the most prolific companies of a country you can influence it towards your own benefits. How? Leveraging a combination of algorithmic trading technology assets along with digital agents that underpin the former hack through cognitive games

Augmented Machines, Cognitive Warfare, Social Networks, Fake News, Algorithmization, Military



** Reached SSRN Top 10 List **

The natural alignment between business and architecture within big techs has boosted their transformation (crucially, upon API-fication and synergies exploitation) compared to that in the rest of organisations. The efficiency gap is so large that even the latter fear the irruption of big techs in their own arenas. Nevertheless, organisations have lately lost control of their architectures. They have become a mix of services offered by big techs and orchestrated by external consultants. Such a dynamic has naturally led to a large convergence between architectures across industries in spite of their idiosyncratic differences. Hence, there is room for improvement through a transformation governance that optimally weighs both microeconomics and microservices. As neither of the fields is easy to master, such an improvement remains a greenfield. This paper proposes a novel data architecture paradigm, Data MAPs, that helps organisations take control of their transformation journey by becoming platforms - i.e. unlocking convergence with big techs’ efficiency levels. Further, it surpasses the theory by having evolved Data MAPs' first instance for the last 7 years. Along that time, the authors gathered real examples that filled out a cube defined by a series of dimensions significant enough to assert the universal validity of their approach

Data Architecture, Transformation, Algorithmization, Machine Learning, Enterprise Software

From exploration to exploitation

Consultancy: 41OPS

We apply all the discoveries from the CoE across industries through this company. It is trusted by SMEs and listed companies across sectors, governments, central banks and security & defense agents.

It boosts efficiency & productivity through white collar factories. Departments become algorithms defined upon all-in-one enterprise software. Departments become algorithms defined upon all-in-one enterprise software. Those algorithms mix expert heuristics, new protocols and AI within a department, leading to its ANI. Thus, by strategically creating compatible ANIs across departments within a company we create its overall AGI. When it comes to a Group, the ANIs are a merge of its best practices hence, the final AGI is already its ASI - the super version of the company.

We are the new player in the all-in-one enterprise software ecosystem. And we are here to boost the most ambitious companies through extreme Efficiency & Productivity

  • Backend

    Traditional infrastructures rely on linking HTML to databases with large, cumbersome codebases that are difficult to maintain and costly to operate. These systems quickly become outdated, requiring ad-hoc patches to evolve.

    In contrast, our backend leverages state-of-the-art infrastructure inspired by algorithmic trading, ensuring that enhancements are built-in and seamless.

  • Interface

    Our interface can be via web or bot/agent. It is not rigid but fully customizable instead to meet the specific needs of each client. We offer as seed our own technology, the same system we use to run our Group. What you see in our demos is not the end-product, it is the beginning-product.

    Thus, it reaches state-of-the-art protocols across industries focused on Extreme Efficiency. And, more interestingly, its buttons unlock business algorithmics.

  • Standard Features

    Over the past two years, we have achieved parity with our competitors by developing an extensive suite of features across key departments including

    sales, project management, inventory management, marketing, HR, CRM, data management, and procurement.

  • Deep Features

    The previous seven years were focused on research. Our Centre of Excellence authored a novel type of backend, algorithmic-drive, that surpasses the burdens of the Digital data-driven landscape.

    cybersecurity (including CNE mitigation), SLAs, OCR, board intelligence, hardware management, compliance (AI to biofuels), and Augmented Machines (huma roles in AI).

  • Customization

    All of our features are fully customizable, allowing each client to tailor the platform to their unique management style. We adapt our technology to the client, not the other way around.

    This includes the implementation of new protocols that enhance control and efficiency (e.g., white collar factories) and the integration of client-proprietary AI models via APIs.

Logo Transformation

Our clients use our technology as a catalyst for organizational transformation, following one of two paths:


This approach is strategically implemented company-wide, delivering rapid impact. Often, transformation begins with one company within a larger group before expanding across the entire organization. This method is typically employed when we engage with C-suite executives or Senior Vice Presidents (SVPs).


In this scenario, multiple departments gradually adopt our technology, initiating an organic transformation that spreads throughout the organization. As our platform interconnects different areas, new protocols and features are unlocked. This approach is common when we work with Managing and Executive Directors.

Logo AGI behind-the-scenes

As we onboard organizations onto our platform through our algorithmic-driven approach, we surface valuable intelligence that was previously embedded in employee know-how—such as in meetings, PowerPoint presentations, Excel sheets, and emails.

We create Artificial Narrow Intelligences (ANIs) that we can natively interconnect and intersect just as brains do with their specialized areas of intelligence. Once all ANIs within the company are onboarded with our technology, the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) of the company becomes a reality.

Logo Price

Our pricing is competitive, covering both standard and advanced features. All standard features are included, while more advanced, deep features can be selectively added based on client needs.

For Service-as-a-Software (SeaaS) engagements, our fees align with standard Big Four rates. When third-party services are involved, we pass through costs without adding any margin. Similarly, we do not add margin to any hardware requirements necessary on our side for our clients' platforms, ensuring complete transparency and value.

Augmented Machines:

Even though it is more challenging to self-fund, we force ourselves to keep evolving this vertical within the group. We have chosen to concentrate on a critical field: the interaction between individuals and the expanding digital ecosystem. The current proliferation of digital services necessitates that consumers systematize their engagement, from simple actions such as liking content to more complex interactions such as purchasing goods and services.

Helping humans thrive in a world of machines.

We aim to pioneer a new frontier.

Systematic UX and avatars

Systematic User Experience - when instead of an individual it is a micro agent that consumes a service so that she can scout the information from as many services as possible.

Avatar Calibration led to the inclusion of the role of the human into the machine in a novel way, giving rise to Augmented Machines.

Augmented Machines

Yet another greenfield focused on helping experts find new roles on processes of deep transformation of businesses.

There are more usages of this type of approach in the field of cyber security.

Cyber security

However, for obvious reasons, we won't publish them.

Experts are too smart and skillful to think that they can be substituted by machines directly.

Our community,, is a practical example of how to let humans provide machines with high frequency research so that the business ANIs can deliver better performance by incorporating human ANIs.

ESG standards

Given our co-founders’ privileged background they soon realized they could have a significant impact when boosting the pros (and managing the burdens) of Transformation. They wanted to affect millions of people through an eco-friendly usage of hardware, finding new roles for the current workforce, democratization of state-of-the-art advances beyond the largest companies, price reductions, more efficient innovation, settlement of new key markets such as biofuels, cyber security innovation, stock protection from speculative attacks...

The name of the Group is a statement of the scale we seek to have.

We prioritize the provision of B2B services over competition via spin-offs as we are aware that our impact can be much higher by leveraging our clients’ (partners) already settled businesses.

More interestingly, please, note that one of the main targets of our first paper, Data MAPs, was also to precisely run organization's platforms upon green algorithms. As a result, we can proudly state that Fractal Platform is green by design as it minimizes the amount of hardware required to run the software. We run on green algorithmics.


Elliott sentences Artificial Intelligence: "Many of its theoretical uses will never work"

News Article

El Confidencial


One of the world's most important hedge funds warns of the poor correlation between the promises of Artificial Intelligence and its concrete reality. It is part of a conflict with several aspects to consider.

See More!

Algorithmization: the next frontier of digitalization - Sergio Álvarez-Teleña




Presentation at the Digital Assets, Technology, and Innovation Conference of MoraBanc on 04/24/2024 by Sergio Álvarez-Teleña - PhD CEO SciTheWorld.

See More!

Why has "Sora" triggered madness on social media? An Artificial Intelligence expert explains

News Article

Antena 3


"Sora," the latest application created by OpenAI that generates hyper-realistic videos, has sparked debate on social media. Many users wonder if there will be some kind of regulation to control it.

See More!

The dialogue between a philosopher and an AI expert: "AI is not intelligence but efficiency"




Sergio Álvarez-Teleña and José María Lassalle discuss the myths and realities surrounding artificial intelligence, the human, labor, and democratic risks it entails, and possible solutions from an ethical perspective.

See More!

Sergio Álvarez, CEO of SciTheWorld, on AI regulation: "We might be shooting ourselves in the foot"


Antena 3


The co-founder of SciTheWorld analyzes the effects of Artificial Intelligence regulation. The EU is already working to put 'limits' on this technological tool.

See More!

Experience at Morgan Stanley, Santander, and BBVA. Sergio Álvarez Teleña


La City Podcast


Today, Sergio Álvarez comes to the podcast to share his experience as an algorithmic trader within the industry. Learnings, mistakes, and how he has evolved... Also, his current moment as an entrepreneur with algorithms.

See More!

Identifying oneself to enter the metaverse: the end of internet problems? Expert Sergio Álvarez explains

News Article

Antena 3


What are the effects of the metaverse in real life? The expert economist in algorithmic trading and Artificial Intelligence, Sergio Álvarez Teleña, explains.

See More!

Sergio Álvarez-Teleña: Deep Tech and quantitative trading | La Hora Alfa Quant


La Hora Alfa


In today’s podcast, our Alpha Team member Eriz Zárate sits down with Sergio Alvarez-Teleña, board member and founder of SciTheWorld. In this episode, we will talk about how the complexity of modeling financial markets requires certain skills to "hack" the system while optimally managing the tools that science offers us, such as artificial intelligence. Be prepared for a journey into the depths of quantitative management in financial markets with Sergio, who has been successfully dissecting them for many years.

See More!

The Santander and BBVA executive who left everything to start an algorithm auditing firm

News Article



He passed through BBVA, Banco Santander, and Morgan Stanley. Three significant notches on his belt, but he left the West of financial sharks for a fishbowl where he seeks to impose justice in the emerging algorithmic world. Who watches the watcher? Who controls the algorithm? The answer is SciTheWorld, a company that Sergio Álvarez-Teleña founded with Marta Díez-Fernández, also from Asturias like him.

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Sergio Álvarez Teleña, PhD in computing, creator of digital brains

News Article



"One day I said I’m not going to just use algorithms, I’m going to create them, and since then I’ve been dedicated to building digital brains," he tells us from Oxford.

See More!

Our avatars, the best allies with AI | Sergio Alvarez-Teleña | TEDxValladolid


TEDx Talks


Is it possible to create a machine-human symbiosis that enhances both? Sergio Alvarez-Teleña believes so and asserts that Artificial Intelligence is more robust when augmented by human knowledge. To this end, he proposes a solution based on AI techniques that build your Avatar in the digital financial world, which can be extrapolated to other areas, creating the foundation for what could be a new economy to compensate for the job losses expected in the coming years. Artificial Intelligence Creative. An economist and expert in algorithmic trading and Artificial Intelligence searching for future solutions in the new AI environment. A new environment we have created that is already present in our lives and will change them forever. Honorary Researcher at University College London, where he earned a PhD in Machine Learning. His work has been selected by the prestigious EPSRC UK due to its Impact on the Digital Economy, as a pioneer in demonstrating the virtues of the human role in a machine-driven world. After being Global Head of Algorithmic Trading and Data Science at BBVA, he founded SciTheWorld where he explores new human-machine convergences and applies the advances and achievements made with algorithms in finance to other verticals, convinced that the AI revolution is a fact, and it is time to learn how to manage it.

See More!

The Spaniard who is going to transform investment banking with new artificial intelligence

News Article

El Confidencial


A Spanish expert in algorithms blends the talent and idiosyncrasies of humans with the power and capability of machines for the world of finance.

See More!

Our talks


Our co-founders are seasoned professionals with a solid track record in advanced tech transformation (35+ years combined).

The Nature of the company is driven by a couple of very concrete and ambitious targets (KPIs): Average time to production & Tech/Employee. Both are key to reach extreme efficiency and we are beating records in the two.

The team is young, smart, and keen on growing fast—as fast as 41OPS itself, ScitheWorld's consultancy arm. The culture is a combination of attitudes: low profile, high curiosity, and top-end pragmatism. Here, part of our alumni:

Sergio Álvarez-Teleña

It is so crucial not to confuse Applied Science with Science Applied...

Marta Díez-Fernandez

Maximization is smart. Optimization an art

Ventura Lucena Martínez

One shall not overwork the data. It is better to wait for the algo to ask for it

Ricardo Estaire Mateos

Data often leads to intuitive conclusions that are erroneous - quadruple check!

Javier Tausía

Smart signals vs smart actions: the L vs the M in ML

Pablo Pozuelo Martín

The resistance to a change of a change, compounds. Get it right at once!

Jorge Medina Díaz

Once there is an improvement, back to legacy!

Alejandro Parés Acosta

The key framework: short-run vs long-run; tactical vs strategic

Roberto Saavedra Baylon

Regulating innovation without innovating Regulation may not be a best practice

Sergio Parejo López

Innovation upon innovation is the real deal behind exponential

Verdi Rey Blanco

Innovation is not a level. It is a rate that ought to be kept constant

Ali Rammal [Intern]

Pablo Yuste Ramos

With the client: the what, the why, the why not, and the next

Elias Mattson

In order to solve a problem right you first need to pose it right

Yago Mateos Vela

Federation is key in the governance of trading. Decentralization adds risk

Santiago Fischel [Intern]

Cristian Sales Vila

In the end, all the pains have a common nature: lack of control & compliance

Pablo García Pérez

Act as if the hacker was already inside. Do not wait for the surprise

Mikel Álvarez de Eulate Sánchez

Aptitude is a necessary condition. Add attitude and it becomes sufficient

Álvaro Delgado Gutierrez

By simply adding order to a company it can reach the cutting edge

Contact us



C. de Pradillo, 68. 28002

Madrid, Spain

info at